Catching up on Mario
In the previous blog, I introduced the Mario franchise, discussed its origins, key games, and its impact on both the gaming industry and popular culture. I also provided an overview of how fan contributions, such as fan art and custom levels in Super Mario Maker, have shaped the franchise. The blog set the foundation for understanding the cultural significance of Mario. In this blog, I will delve deeper into my personal experience with the Mario games, explore the reactions of fans toward the franchise, and discuss the marketing strategies that have kept Mario relevant for decades.
My Experience:
I’ve been playing Mario games since childhood, starting with the classic Super Mario Bros. What kept me coming back to these games wasn’t just the nostalgia, but the way each new game in the franchise offered something different while keeping the same core elements. When I first started creating this artefact I had only played Super Mario Bros, and the iconic Mario Kart. So over the past couple of weeks I decided I wanted to enhance my knowledge and dive into the other games to see what they are really about. Super Mario 64 introduced me to 3D gaming, while Super Mario Odyssey blew me away with its creativity and open-world exploration. One feature that stands out across all Mario titles is the level design, every game! From the original to Super Mario Maker 2, focuses on creating fun yet challenging environments. For me, the appeal of Mario comes down to its ability to be both accessible to beginners and rewarding for experienced players. It’s this balance that has made me a lifelong fan.
Fan Reactions to the Franchise:
Fans of the Mario franchise are extremely dedicated, and their reactions reflect a deep connection with the games. I asked a peer of mine to come over for a Mario date and I recorded what he had to say about the series, he as well had only played Super Mario Bros and Mario Kart.
"After playing through the iconic Super Mario games, it’s clear why this franchise remains a classic. Super Mario 64 blew me away with its groundbreaking 3D world, while Super Mario Sunshine added a twist with its unique water mechanics. Super Mario Galaxy took things to a cosmic level with its gravity-defying gameplay, and Super Mario Odyssey gave Mario's hat, Cappy, a starring role in a mind-bending adventure. Even Luigi's Mansion brought spooky charm as Luigi faced his fears. Each game offers joy, chaos, and endless creativity, making Mario a timeless and endlessly fun gaming experience."
In response to this review, I totally agree with the take on the Super Mario franchise. Having played Super Mario Bros. and Mario Kart myself, I can relate to the sense of nostalgia that Super Mario 64 brings. The way they described the gravity mechanics in Super Mario Galaxy is spot on—it's a total mind-bender but so rewarding. And Super Mario Odyssey? Absolutely, Cappy steals the show! I also appreciate how they gave Luigi his well-deserved spotlight in Luigi's Mansion, he's often overlooked but adds a whole new dimension to the franchise.
My parents, on the other hand, have commented on the family-friendly appeal of the games, noting that Mario is one of the few franchises they would feel comfortable introducing to young children. The general consensus among fans and critics alike is that the Mario franchise offers something for everyone, whether you’re a casual player or a hardcore gamer.
Analytical Framework
In this second blog post, I provide a more in-depth analysis of the Mario franchise, focusing on three key concepts: paratextuality, fandom, and cultural capital.
Paratextuality explores how various supplementary materials, such as game trailers, merchandise, and fan creations, contribute to the Mario universe. These paratexts not only enrich the gaming experience but also shape the public's perception of the franchise. For instance, fan-made levels in Super Mario Maker and official merchandise like Mario-themed clothing extend the franchise's reach beyond the games themselves, creating a broader and more interactive world.
Fandom is examined through the lens of active player engagement. The Mario community's involvement, ranging from creating fan art and cosplay to participating in competitive Mario Kart tournaments, demonstrates how fans contribute to and reshape the franchise's cultural significance. This active participation enhances the series' dynamism and keeps it relevant across different media.
Cultural capital addresses how knowledge and expertise within the Mario universe impact players' status in the gaming community. Mastery of game mechanics, understanding of lore, and participation in fan-driven content elevate players’ standing and influence within the community. This cultural capital not only enhances individual recognition but also reinforces the franchise's enduring appeal and prestige.
By analyzing these elements, this blog post reveals how they interconnect to sustain and evolve the Mario franchise’s popularity and cultural impact, demonstrating the series' multifaceted significance in gaming culture.
Marketing Strategy:
The Mario franchise has always excelled at keeping itself in the public eye through strategic marketing campaigns. Since the release of Super Mario Bros. in 1985, Nintendo has continually reinvented the franchise by releasing new games that align with technological advancements.
A key part of Mario's longevity is the way Nintendo capitalizes on major gaming events, such as E3, to announce new titles and features. The release of Super Mario Maker was a masterstroke in fan engagement, as it not only allowed players to create their own levels but also encouraged them to share these creations online, keeping the game active long after its initial release.
Moreover, Nintendo frequently collaborates with external companies to expand Mario’s reach through merchandise, theme park attractions, and even movies, such as the 2023 Super Mario Bros. Movie. These partnerships ensure that Mario remains not just a game, but a cultural icon with an enduring presence across different media. As with any successful franchise, the key to Mario’s marketing strategy lies in its ability to evolve with the times while maintaining its core identity, ensuring both new and old fans stay engaged.
In conclusion, my experience with the Mario franchise and the reactions from fans show that the series’ appeal lies in its timeless gameplay and ability to evolve. The franchise’s fan base is actively involved in shaping its future through participatory culture, contributing to its ongoing success. Additionally, Nintendo's strategic marketing has played a crucial role in ensuring that Mario remains a dominant figure in gaming culture. Moving forward, the audio-visual component will illustrate the Mario franchise’s paratexts, fandom, and cultural capital. I will start by developing a storyboard and script, followed by gathering visual materials such as game footage and fan art. The editing phase will integrate these elements with voiceover narration to present the analysis. Once the video is finalized with music and graphics, it will be uploaded and promoted on social media to ensure a polished and engaging presentation of the Mario franchise's significance.
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