E.T Phone Home? Or E.T Game at Home...
Exploring the Pitfalls of Nostalgia: The Case of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (Atari 2600)
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Today, I am delving into the world of retro gaming and examining "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" for the Atari 2600, a game that has become infamous through the years. This game has had its fair share of criticism and controversy. Explore gaming history with me as I find out what makes "E.T." or otherwise known as the world's worst video game, a candidate for the distinction of a "bad" game.
Overview of the game: To truly understand why "E.T." is considered a 'bad' game, we need to consider its context. The early '80s were a boom time for the video game industry, with a flood of titles hitting the market. Set the scene first, before we do anything else. In 1982, "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" was released shortly after the enormously popular film of the same name. It was created by Atari for the venerable 2600 gaming system. By allowing players to control E.T. as he looks for components of his intergalactic phone to contact home, the game intended to emulate the enchantment of the movie. A game based on a popular film seemed like a great idea on paper... So why did it nearly destroy the video game industry?
Formal Elements: When you examine the formal aspects of the game, you can start to identify the problems. The gameplay, which involved E.T. falling into pits and being levitated out of them, was repetitious. With the standards of the Atari 2600, the graphics were disappointing, and the sound effects were far from satisfactory. With E.T. becoming trapped in pits or being relentlessly followed by scientists, the controls were frequently irritating.
Post-Structuralism: Taking a post-structuralist approach, we can see how the rushed development and marketing-driven decisions impacted the game's reception. "E.T." failed to connect with players on a meaningful level, which is a stark contrast to the movie's emotional impact.
Conclusion: So, is "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" a 'bad' game? In the eyes of many gamers and critics, it certainly is. Its rushed development, lacklustre gameplay, and failure to capture the essence of the beloved movie all contribute to its tarnished reputation. However, it's also a fascinating piece of gaming history, a cautionary tale of what can happen when marketing trumps game design. "E.T." may be a 'bad' game, but it's a reminder of the challenges developers face and the importance of creating meaningful experiences for players. Stay tuned for more gaming history adventures, and remember, even the 'bad' games have a story to tell!
- Charli
Alex Godfrey. (2015). 'A golden shining moment': the true story behind Atari's ET, the worst video game ever. [Online]. The Guardian. Last Updated: 31/01. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/jan/30/a-golden-shining-moment-the-true-story-behind-et-the-wo [Accessed 02 September 2023].
Alex Morris. (Unknown Publication). How E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Nearly Destroyed the Video Game Industry How E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Nearly Destroyed. [Online]. All Business. Available at: https://www.allbusiness.com/how-et-the-extra-terrestrial-nearly-destroyed-the-video-game-industry-50 [Accessed 28 August 2023].
Geoff Brumfiel. (2017). Total Failure: The World's Worst Video Game. [Online]. NPR. Last Updated: 31/05. Available at: https://www.npr.org/2017/05/31/530235165/total-failure-the-worlds-worst-video-game [Accessed 28 August 2023].
Inside The Worst Video Game Ever. (2017). [Film]. Unknown Publication City: Great Big Story.