What social media platform best represents ME?
As a student majoring in Digital and Social Media, wanting a job as a social media manager, it's quite obvious that I have an obsession with it. I love to post on Instagram what's happening in my life. Some people see this as being petty, or trifling. I see it as an opportunity. I follow a total of 1,967 people. Mainly surrounding accounts to do with travel, some fashion, celebrities, food, and/or friends and family. When I scroll through my social feed I am either supporting friends/family in their posts, watching cooking/fashion tips, or (my favourite) gaining information on places to travel around the world. I find my social feed to be informative and relevant to me. Whereby I'll take this information and use it to my advantage, I may travel to a place someone said to go to online then re-share it for others to be able to experience.
I have created a whole travel bucket list of places I want to go that people may never have heard of, solely all from my social feed.
I have found amazing places that have brought me so much happiness. I believe that posting about my life, allows others to get inspiration for themselves. I always tell my followers where it is that I am or what I'm doing, as I don't believe in gatekeeping (the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something.) - oxfordlearnersdictionaries
Instagram is a platform where one is able to express themself in anyway they want. From re-posting political, spiritual, religious, or even popular culture, this allows one to share their beliefs and opinions.
In regard to Instagram and its competitors like Snapchat, TikTok and Facebook. Sure they are all there to interact with the world. However, Instagram really allows people to see into each others life, with privacy of course. I like how people can only see what you want them too. But with that, comes a false life.
I'm sure everyone has their own ways of how they like to post on Instagram, but for me, it's to share photos of my friends and family, show what places I have been too. I think of it as a moodboard for personality. You can create so many different themes on your own page. Showing each and every personality you have.
It truly is a way of expressing yourself. When someone wants to find out a bit about you, they can come onto this page and see. It is almost a resume of your life.
Instagram has approximately 1.44 billion users according to data reportal and plenty more coming, with Instagrams consistent updates making the app better and better, providing for society's needs and wants. Instagram is also one of the biggest marketing platforms for businesses. Hence why I want to be a social media marketing manager!!
Is Instagram your favourite platform? Let me know in our messages box!
XOXO, Charli
unknown author. (2022). Instagrams Statistics and Trends. [Online]. Data Reportal. Last Updated: 15 August 2022. Available at: https://datareportal.com/essential-instagram-stat s [Accessed 30 August 2022].
unknown author. (unknown publication). Word search. [Online]. Oxford Dictionaries. Available at: https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/word-searc h [Accessed 21 August 2022].